Attempt to answer a real call
Taking Inter-Disciplinary Action

🌏 Adelaide / Berlin — Ever thought of what pa­per is? According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica 2005 (Ultimate Reference Suite DVD), pa­per is ‚the ba­sic ma­te­ri­al used for writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and the dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of in­for­ma­ti­on‘. However, could pa­per al­so be de­fi­ned as a prac­ti­cal end pro­duct re­sul­ting from an in­ter-di­sci­pli­na­ry com­bi­na­ti­on of di­sci­pli­na­ry so­lu­ti­ons? Why? Consider the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of paper.

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Excursion destination „Australia’s Little Cornwall„
Moonta inspires Bushwalker to „educational walks“

🌏 Adelaide—Bushwalkers are ra­pidly ap­proa­ching the South Australian German Association (SAGA) on their 800th walk — not coun­ting the num­e­rous group ou­tings and mul­ti-day camps. The 1200-ki­lo­me­ter Heysen Trail has be­en prac­ti­ced by the hi­king group for­med in 1991 bet­ween 1999 and 2010. After their in-depth week-long April trip to Moonta, Bushwalkers are cer­tain that in fu­ture they will be in­cre­asing­ly or­ga­ni­zing „edu­ca­tio­nal hi­kes“ in South Australia.

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Ausflugsziel „Australia’s Little Cornwall“
Moonta inspiriert Bushwalker zu „Bildungswanderungen“

🌏 Adelaide — Mit gro­ßen Schrit­ten nä­hern sich die Bush­wal­ker der „South Aus­tra­lian Ger­man Association (SAGA)“ ih­rer 800. Wan­de­rung – die zahl­rei­chen Grup­pen­aus­flü­ge und mehr­tä­gi­gen Camps nicht ein­ge­rech­net. Den 1200 Ki­lo­me­ter lan­gen Hey­sen Trail hat die 1991 for­mier­te Wan­der­grup­pe be­reits zwi­schen 1999 und 2010 be­wan­dert. Nach ih­rem tief­schür­fen­den ein­wö­chi­gen April-Aus­flug nach Moonta steht für die Bush­wal­ker fest: Künf­tig or­ga­ni­sie­ren sie in Süd­aus­tra­lien ver­mehrt „Bil­dungs­wan­de­run­gen“.

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